
We want you to know we’re taking steps to keep you protected during these trying times. It can seem like a scary world out there, and we want you to feel safe as you visit us as a service provider on your path of wellness. Here’s what we’re doing to play our part in minimizing any potential spread of infection.” 

Low Volume Facility. Because our space only hosts a single client at a time, mindfulness can be given to every surface and space touched, and to which areas may require more concentrated cleaning before and after every visit. This also makes client to client transmission virtually impossible. 

Regular Hand Washing. In addition to washing hands directly before and after every session, we also make it a point to have clean hands and work surfaces (as well as wearing a mask) as we’re preparing your linens before your visit.

Mandatory Masks. By consistently having everyone and ourselves wear a mask on premises, we limit the potential spread of virus both through direct and indirect transmission. 

HEPA Filters. Every room that may host more than one person is equipped with a HEPA filter, maintaining 10-17 Fresh air exchanges per hour. 

Regular Cleaning. All touch surfaces cleaned between each visit. Non touch surfaces cleaned daily. 

     Your well being is important to us. Know we’re taking all practical steps to keep the wellness of all of our clients in mind.